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About Us

Have you ever wished your teeth were whiter or worried that you may not be looking after your mouth as well as you should be?  Do you wish you could smile full heartedly and feel proud to show off your beautiful teeth? Did you know you can ensure good oral hygiene without visiting the dentist?

It is estimated that 80% of people over the age of 15 have some form of gum disease, left untreated mild gum disease can lead to deep seated infection this is unhealthy for your teeth and gums but can also lead to more serious, even life-threatening health conditions.

Active preventive oral hygiene is your safeguard to maximise the longevity of your teeth and gums. Apart from ensuring that your teeth, gums and other oral structures are healthy, they ensure your entire oral environment is appropriately balanced.  This is one of the key fundamentals of Dental Hygiene care.

We carry out oral cleaning through thorough scaling and polishing, give dietary analysis and homecare advice, analyze your medical history and use appropriate fluoride treatments, remineralising creams and other mouth rinses to ensure your smile is one you’re proud of. We also provide resin sealants to seal out decay, and take impressions for whitening treatments and mouthguards.

Regular visits to the dental hygienist can not only prevent tooth decay, gingivitis and the need for emergency visits to the dentist, it gives you the confidence of having a fresh, healthy mouth and clean, white teeth.  We recommend visiting our lovely team of hygienists at least every 6-12 months for a deep clean and polish to keep those teeth white, your gums healthy and your smile simply radiant!




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Fraser Smith Lowe Dentists
267 Pakuranga Road
Auckland 0632
New Zealand



Phone: 09 576 7676fb
Fax: 09 576 2672
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